Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Background: Our friend has 2 very imaginative creative kids ages 3 and 4. Everyday I get to hear stories of the funniest thing they said that day. Here is the latest..

The dad was drinking a Martini in a fancy glass one night.
(In Spanish)
Daughter (age 3): Dad, what are you drinking?
Dad: A Martini
Daughter: Oh! Can kids drink it?
Dad: No honey, this is an adult drink.
Daughter: Ahh.

That was the end of the conversation.

Later that night the dad asks the daughter out of curiosity...

Dad: Honey do you remember what the drink was called that I had tonight?
Daughter: ummmm....(thinks for a little bit)...AH El Americano!
Dad (laughs): what? El Americano?
Daughter: yeah, El Americano!
Dad and mom look at each other puzzled.

Suddenly it dawns on the mom and she starts laughing. She explains it to the dad.

Mom: She is relating the name with Kelly's husband Martin. Get it...Martini...Martin (pronounced in the DR as Marteen).

Kids....they crack me up!!



Aaron G Myers said...

Yeah! I finally know what M stands for. I have been wondering for nearly a year now.