Tuesday, May 12, 2009


(from left to right - Candi, Kelly, Manuela)
Meet Manuela! She has become one of our best friends down here. All of you who have come down and stayed at our house know her and LOVE her cooking. She is in our home just about everyday and has become a part of our family. She and Scott have found a special bond with each other as they are constantly trying to one up each other with pranks. Manuela is hilarious. Sometimes she purposely locks us out of the house. Sometimes we find ourselves getting water poured down our backs. And sometimes at lunch instead of a fork we'd have a gigantic serving spoon as our utensil. She constantly makes us laugh and brings joys to our home. She is always singing and after several attempts finally figured out how to open iTunes and play music so loud that the neighbor can't help but sing along too. She was our friend but also like a mother figure to us constantly correcting our grammar and telling us which neighborhoods we couldn't go into at night. I remember one time I was leaving the house to catch a concho (a motorcycle taxi) and she walked the 6 blocks with me just to make sure I chose a good driver.

We love you Manuela!